Connecting with Community

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Failure or Success

I wake to a dreary and cold day. The day begins with many phone calls, each call includes needs.
I turn on the computer only to discover more need. I click on an email, it is from a super duper Navigator.
She begins by telling me about May, a young mother of two that has been abandoned by her husband. He has chosen to seek a life of drugs and everything it has to offer. Her first step is to take May to receive local resources, while they are there,her purse is stolen. In her purse is her green card. It isn't long before they are in to get a replacement for her green card.
It is impossible to work with out one.

We are now a couple of months in to this dilemma.May finds herself a month behind on a house they bought just last year. She is distraught not understanding where it all went wrong. Just last year they worked hard to save for a down payment to buy this home.She was working with hope to attend college this year.
That is until her husband left her for a life of drugs.
Success no longer in sight, her light and water have been shut off. She can no
longer stay in this house with her young children. She is now staying with family.
It only takes a month before May's family decides she can no longer stay with them.
They decide two families with children,is to much chaos for one small house. She is forced to return to her cold home.
This is where Life Changers are called in. I send out an alert for help.
She is down to her last 4 ounces of milk,when these Life Changers answer the call for help.
We secure a months mortgage and other necessary items.
She comes to my office and I get to meet this lovely family, face to face.
May walks towards me and I sense her broken spirit. She does not look up, I can only imagine the defeat her eyes display.

We chat for a while and then it is time for her to leave. I tell her all will be well.
Her Navigator and I help her get her necessity's to the car.
I tell her she is doing a great job. I tell her I am proud of her. She reaches for a hug. I hug her small frame just like I would hug my
own child. She falls apart and all I can say is all will be well. May was helped by strangers
and that shows her that we believe in her. May is given hope.

Another month goes by and she is desperate to work and provide for her family.
Her children are 1 and 3, they don't understand why they are in need.
There is still no green card. We've done all we can and still no results.
An update from her Navigator reveals no green card, no work, no resources.
She has left to find her husband because she can no longer survive.

So I ask you did we fail or did we succeed?

"Failure can not succeed when there is Hope"
Elia Moreno

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