Connecting with Community

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Attitude

I woke up late Tuesday morning. My eyes barely open, I turn to look at the clock and it seems to be flashing at me. It loudly reads 5:30, I should  already be in my car headed to my early breakfast. I slowly crawl out of bed and quickly  remember my ticket. My ticket is sitting on my desk at the office. Not quite the way I wanted to get my day going. I miss my first appointment and I assume that gives me permission to wear an attitude.

Monday, the day before, my phone rang as I was headed home. It was a Life Changer. She
called to ask if I had any use for several bags of food. She explained how they 
collected food for their families in need. Her group had already delivered to those families and still
had food left over. I told her I had many in need. I agreed to pick up the food.
Today is the pick up day, I head to collect my donated food. As I  head that direction, I realize my new attitude, needs some adjusting.

I arrive and park as close as I can. The weather seems to have an attitude of its own, because it sure isn't cooperating with me.
I arrive at my desired destination and I remember my broken hatch. One more thing to add to this cold and rainy day. I am not happy to be at  my 8:15. When I walk in they are happy to report that there is over 80 bags of food waiting for me. I should be elated, about the amount of food they have waiting for me. Nope not me as my attitude is still in charge.
All I can think of is my cars broken hatch. It will be a struggle loading that much food, in the rain.
Did I mention that it is cold and rainy?
Today I am wearing my white coat and I quickly realize that my coat will not survive this endeavor.
I walk to my car to remove my precious coat. I must work in the cold with out a coat, if I ever plan on wearing it again. All this aggravation for the sake of keeping my white coat white.
I hope someone is feeling sorry for me at this moment because I certainly am.

I finish loading and head straight to my office. I take out my list of people in need for the week.
It is not long before I know where the food should go. I leave for my first delivery.

My first stop is an elderly woman's house. I enter the house with bags of goods and our recipient
can't stop smiling.
She reaches for me, I receive a hug and kiss. I hug and kiss her back. I feel my attitude adjusting.
I go on to deliver to homes, apartments, parking lots and  I even deliver to someone in the middle of the street. The response is consistent, hugs and kisses from all.
The food I loaded in the middle of the street was in front of my office. The family that came to pick it up
got a ride from a friend. Before they drove off the driver stopped me as I was headed inside.
She smiled so gently with tears in her eyes and said "thank you for helping my friend".
Once again my attitude is changing.
At 5:15 my oldest son joined me to help deliver.
We stopped to pick up toilet paper because Del, an elderly woman has been doing with out.
I could see the sadness in his eyes. We arrive and he carries the food up the stairs. I  glance at him proudly.
He sets the bags on the counter and begins to stock her cupboard. She hugs and kisses him. My attitude changes.
Our next delivery is for a teacher and we agree to meet in a nearby parking lot. I drive up and park beside her. I can see her crying. Her shame is deep. I get out of my car and go to put my arms around her.
I tell her we all struggle and we are more than happy to help.  I introduce my self and quickly realize I probably should of done that before I put my arms around her. None the less, she is thrilled.
Her family will have turkey for Thanksgiving.

It is now 7:15 pm and my two youngest join me. We arrive at our next family's home. We walk in and this family has no words. I see my youngest struggling with the weight of his bags. The mother notices and grabs the bags to relieve his load. As he hands her the bags he relieves her burden. The mother embraces my youngest. My attitude changes.

It is now 8:15 and I am emotionally drained.
My last delivery for the day and I am joined by my oldest daughter. 
As we walk to the door. I look to my daughter and I am proud.
It is another elderly woman that is in need. She did not know we were coming. She answers the door with
a belt in her hand. This is her weapon, just in case we are intruders. Her neighborhood
is not as safe as it once was. She feels safe and we walk in. I tell her someone told us she was in need.
She puts her hands over her face. My heart breaks. My attitude changed to one of Thanksgiving.
My children became official Life Changers today and I am so proud and thankful.
I grew as a person today while helping those in need and listening to their gratefulness.
They all had one thing in common. They were all concerned with not taking to much so that
the others in need would have some too.

Thank you to all Life Changers. Thank you for cleaning out your cupboards from time to time, so
those in need can have something to eat.

There was a little miracle in those small bags of food. It was like God made sure that what each family needed was in those bags. I wish all of you could of been there to experience the gratitude.

I have found that among its other benefits,
giving liberates the soul of the giver.
Maya Angelou

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